The Anglican Catholic Church Diocese of the United Kingdom would like to state categorically, following the news from the High Court today, that it stands with Heidi Crowter and Máire Lea-Wilson in their fight to prevent the abortion upto birth of those with Down’s Syndrome and, indeed, all those cases which pose a substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped.
The Anglican Catholic Church maintains that human life begins at conception and that the act of procuring an abortion is the termination of the life of an innocent human being whether or not they are disabled.
Given that those with Down’s Syndrome and other disabilities live full and happy lives which are precious to Almighty God Who has chosen to create them for the good of His Creation, any suggestion that a baby with disabilities may be aborted up to birth demonstrates the lack of human dignity that this Law is giving to such children – even lower than those of fully able babies! The Law makes the disabled out to be lesser human beings.
The existence of agencies to care for, support and enrich the lives of those with disabilities demonstrates that abortion is not necessary. While there are sensitive issues which can make carrying a baby with disabilities distressing, painful and facing apparently insurmountable difficulties, the fact of the humanity of a disabled baby with the same right to life as any other baby cannot be set aside for the purposes of taking an innocent life.
The ACC DUK unrepentantly declares this Law to be unjust and presses for its rescinding. It holds all mothers and their babies in its prayers and also holds the struggle of Heidi Crowter and Máire Lea-Wilson, and their supporters, to exemplify the fight for the dignity of the human soul in this country.
The Right Revd Damien Mead
Bishop Ordinary – 23rd September 2021