Downloadable Information

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XXXII Synod Resolution

An invitation to share fellowship and dialogue with traditional Christians …

Lay Membership Information

For People interested in being received into the Full Communion of ACC

Prospective Clergy Information

For Ministers and Priests From other jurisdictions wishing to join the ACC

Interested in Ordination?

The following Vocational Guide “Called by God?” (Updated version March 2024) is in an A5 Booklet Format

Starting a Mission in ACC

Thinking of Starting an ACC Mission? This booklet may be of help …

Some thoughts on church growth and evangelism in the anglican catholic church

A valuable contribution to the essential issue of church growth and evangelism from Canon Stephen Scarlett, an ACC priest in California, USA.

Talks about Mission

Since writing the above link on Church Growth, the author was consecrated Bishop Stephen Scarlett of the Anglican Catholic Diocese of the Holy Trinity.

Archdeacon’s Notes

The Archdeacon, the Venerable Raymond Thompson, sends occasional letters to the Missions and Parishes of the Diocese. 

Dean’s Blog

The Dean of the North, Fr Jonathan Munn OblOSB, maintains a blog on which he posts reflections, sermons and observations about the Christian life.

Resource Downloads

Text of the Affirmation of St Louis

In 1977 an international congress of nearly 2,000 Anglican bishops, clergy and lay people met in St. Louis, Missouri, to take the actions necessary to establish an orthodox jurisdiction in which traditional Anglicanism would be maintained, by returning to the fullness of the Faith of the undivided CATHOLIC CHURCH. Acting according to the principles determined by the seven great Ecumenical Councils of the ancient Church and adopting initially the name “Anglican Church of North America”, they placed themselves under the jurisdiction of the retired bishop of Springfield, Illinois, the Right Reverend Albert Chambers.

In January 1978 Bishop Chambers expanded that jurisdiction and devolved it upon others, by taking order for the consecration of four more bishops. From these four bishops have come two jurisdictions, the Anglican Catholic Church and the Anglican Province of Christ the King, which now maintain orthodox Anglicanism in North America and beyond. Bishop Chambers died in 1993. His steadfast faith and courage earned him a notable place in the history of world Anglicanism.

Below is the text of the Affirmation of St Louis, the statement which was formulated by the Congress of St Louis and that affirms the continuance of Orthodox, Catholic Anglicanism.

Christian Unity

The following statement was adopted as official policy by the College of Bishops of the Original Province of the Anglican Catholic Church, meeting on the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, Jan. 25, 1995, at St. Stephen’s Church, Athens, Georgia.

Many of the Churches of the Continuing Anglican Church movement presently lack a resident priest, and must perforce be ministered to by Lay Readers, who, of course, cannot celebrate the Eucharist, and are not authorized to conduct the AnteCommunion, and thus will lead Morning or Evening Prayer. Because lay readers do not normally preach sermons of their own composition, there is a need for homilies they can read. Since Morning and Evening Prayer do not use the same lectionary as does the Eucharist, it seems appropriate that there be homilies based on the lessons actually read. The writers hope you find this collection of sermons helpful.
Bishop Mead has been happy to authorise and endorse this resource.

Pastoral Resources

Here we include links to sites which, we believe, offer some support and assistance to those who need it. If there are any resources that we might include, then please do let us know.


Established for over 15 years, the Abbeycare Group provides private treatment options for those suffering with alcohol and drug addictions, with proven outcomes.

Rehab Recovery

A free helpline for people seeking addiction treatment

The Samaritans

We’re working together to make sure fewer people die by suicide.


Pregnancy Matters, Life Matters


Get a place to stay if you’re homeless and on the streets.

Baby Loss support and awareness

On this page you will find information about the services Alliance organisations to support you: -National pregnancy and baby loss organisations providing bereavement support and information -Local pregnancy and baby loss organisations providing bereavement support and information near you -General bereavement support services If you need support urgently or need medical advice, please contact your local NHS service.

The Recovery Village

Our advanced approach to addiction treatment and drug treatment empowers individuals on the path to recovery. The Recovery Village Drug and Alcohol Rehab offers comprehensive treatment for dual diagnosis based drug and alcohol rehab, eating disorder and mental health treatments tailored to the patient’s specific needs. At The Recovery Village Drug and Alcohol Rehab, we understand addiction. Our fully trained staff will guide patients and family to the goal of complete rehabilitation.