Perkins Library
The Diocese has begun to assemble books for a library of theological books in memory of The Revd Timothy James Perkins who passed to his eternal rest on 4th August 2011. Fr Perkins was Curate at the Church of St Alban the Martyr, Salford, Greater Manchester. His loss is still keenly felt by the Parish and the Diocese of the United Kingdom.
The Books are primarily intended to assist ordinands and clergy within the ACC Diocese of the United Kingdom in their pre and post ordination study. A list of titles will, in due course, be made available to enquirers. The loan of the books will be free but a charge for postage (if that is necessary) will be required.
The Books are currently in storage and being catalogued but it is hoped that they will eventually be stored at the Diocesan Office in Kent.
Towards the end of Father Perkins life, he was visited by the Bishop, and Fr Perkins generously bequeathed to the Bishop on behalf of the Diocese his theological library. The Bishop promised that a library would be established in his memory. This move is aimed to fulfil that promise.
We are grateful to the Bishop Damien Mead, Fr Jeffrey Gainer and Mr Colin Bean for donating books to the Library.