On Saturday 29th April 2017 the Diocese gathered in Synod. Celebrating our 25th anniversary of foundation, the clergy and lay delegates met at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster (by kind permission).
Dr Roy Fidge, the Diocesan Secretary’s, Report of the XXVI Annual Synod of the Diocese of the United Kingdom
29 April 2017 The Methodist Central Hall Westminster, London
Once again the Pre-Synod Dinner was held at The Kensington Gardens, Thistle Hotel, Bayswater Rd., London the evening before Synod.
The Synod began with a Solemn Pontifical High Mass. The Right Reverend Damien Mead (Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the United Kingdom) was the Celebrant and Preacher. The Reverend Dr Jonathan Munn (Non-Parochial Diocesan Priest) was Deacon. The Reverend Anthony Chadwick (St Mary the Virgin, Hautot Saint Sulpice, France) was Sub-Deacon. The Reverend Howard Marsh (Our Lady and St Edward Confessor, Bolton) was Crozier bearer. The Venerable Raymond Thompson (Archdeacon of the Diocese) was the Master of Ceremonies. Mr Roy Hipkiss (St. Augustine, Canterbury) was Thurifer and Mr David Yates (Our Lady and St Edward Confessor, Bolton) was Crucifer. The Rev Deacon Richard Mulholland (St Augustine, Canterbury) and The Rev Deacon Roger Bell ((Our Lady and St Edward Confessor, Bolton) acted as Acolytes. Dr Roy Fidge (St Mary and St Eanswythe, Dartford) was Sidesman and Steward. The Director of Music, Organist and Choirmaster, Mr Philip Norman, directed a choir of volunteers. Before the Synod Mass the Bishop conferred the Office of Lay Reader on. Mr James Tuite (Our Lady of Glastonbury, Bristol).
The business of Synod:
In his opening remarks, Bishop Mead welcomed the Delegates to the XXVI Synod of the Diocese of the United Kingdom which marked our Twenty-fifth Anniversary. Bishop Mead paid tribute to the late Bishop Dawson, who had retired to the United Kingdom several years ago, but died recently from cancer. In praying for him and other members of the ACC who had recently died a minute’s silence was observed.
Following the Credentials Report and Roll Call, the Diocesan Secretary, Dr Fidge (St Mary and St Eanswythe, Dartford) reported that the DUK had consolidated the increase of last year and had finished the year with a very noteworthy increase in membership of just under 17% (an increase of twenty-five people).
The Bishop’s Charge to Synod was centred on the question every Christian, asks Lord Jesus what must I do? Not just as individuals but as the Body of Christ. He referred us back to 1977, in St Louis, Missouri when an international gathering of nearly 2,000 Anglicans, met to ask of Jesus What must we do? They felt that the Episcopal Church in North America had “departed from Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.” At the end of the Congress many decided, that Jesus wanted them to continue in the Faith and Practice of their forefathers so the Anglican Continuum was born rooted in The Affirmation of St Louis.
The Bishop went on to say that because of decisions by the Church of England in 1992 traditionally inclined Anglicans in the United Kingdom, placed themselves under the jurisdiction of the Anglican Catholic Church and this Diocese was established. Our Faith is the faith once delivered unto the Saints which is a heritage we rejoice to share it with other Orthodox, traditional Anglican and Roman Catholic Christians.
Being a ?continuing? Church isn’t just about being anchored in the past. It is also about being firmly attached to a destination in the future and trusting in God who has provided us with that future. Our job has never been one of simply trying to get individual souls into Heaven certainly not just our own. The point of our journey is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus to everyone. We can’t make the seeds grow but we can sow them.
The Christian church has always insisted that the proclamation of the gospel be accompanied by acts of kindness, mercy and social betterment. Our branch of Christ’s Church, small though we maybe, has a splendid history of such achievement.
The ACC now has a presence throughout the World. Travel around and you will see ACC love and compassion in action. There are children in Pakistan using School Books we have provided being taught by teachers we have trained; Women who have suffered rape and abuse in the Congo, using sowing machines to work their way out of poverty, old people’s homes and orphanages in Columbia, the Caribbean and South Africa; People in drought ridden South Sudan drawing water from wells we have helped to dig; not to mention the response we made to ACC disaster appeals in Haiti and the Philippines. All have benefitted from what little acts of charity our Church has been able to perform.
These acts of mercy do not replace or negate the need to proclaim that even greater act of mercy ? the Good News of Jesus Christ. I am always heartened when I travel around my Diocese at the commitment and devotion to Our Blessed Lord and his Church that you display. I am proud of you and thank God for your faithful witness and earnestly pray that you will aspire to deepen that faith and expand that witness in your communities.
In other actions:
The Rev Deacon Richard Mulholland (St Augustine, Canterbury) Diocesan Treasurer presented the Accounts for the year and Synod agreed a budget of £33,215 for 2018.
Dr. Roy Fidge (St Mary and St Eanswythe, Dartford) presented his Diocesan Secretary’s Report on the work of the Council of Advice during the year.
Synod consented to the Bishop’s appointments of:
? Dr Frank Wiswall, (Original Province) as Chancellor
? Dr Roy Fidge (St Mary and St Eanswythe, Dartford) as Diocesan Secretary
? The Rev Deacon Richard Mulholland (St Augustine, Canterbury) as Diocesan Treasurer
? Mrs Margaret Mead (St Augustine, Canterbury) as Historian and Archivist
? Mr Roy Hipkiss (St Augustine, Canterbury) as Safeguarding Officer
? Dr Roy Fidge (St Mary and St Eanswythe, Dartford) as Assistant Safeguarding Officer
? The Rev Deacon Richard Mulholland (St Augustine, Canterbury) Risk Assessment Officer
? The Rev Canon Donald Walker (St Bede, Thames Ditton) as Chairman of the Board of Ministry
? The Rev Howard Marsh (Our Lady and St Edward Confessor, Bolton) as Northern Deanery Chaplain to the Anglican Catholic Fellowship
? The Rev Canon Donald Walker (St Bede, Thames Ditton) as Southern Deanery Chaplain to the Anglican Catholic Fellowship
? The Rev Deacon Richard Mulholland (St Augustine, Canterbury) Endowment Investment Fund Secretary
? Mr Greg Nicholls (non-ACC) as Independent Examiner/Auditor
For the Council of Advice, Synod elected The Reverend Anthony Chadwick (St Mary the Virgin, Hautot Saint Sulpice, France) for three years. The Bishop’s nominee for the House of Clergy was The Rev Deacon Richard Mulholland (St Augustine, Canterbury). For the House of Laity Synod elected Dr Roy Fidge (St Mary and St Eanswythe, Dartford) for two years, and Mr James Tuite (Our Lady of Glastonbury, Bristol) for three years. The Bishop deferred making an appointment to the House of Laity for the time being. The Council of Advice is therefore as follows:
House of Clergy:
? The Reverend Howard Marsh (Our Lady and St Edward Confessor, Bolton)
? The Reverend Anthony Chadwick (St Mary the Virgin, Hautot Saint Sulpice, France)
? The Reverend Canon Donald Walker (St Bede, Thames Ditton)
? Bishop’s Nominee: The Rev Deacon Richard Mulholland (St Augustine, Canterbury)
House of Laity:
? Dr Roy Fidge (St Mary and St Eanswythe, Dartford)
? Mr Roy Hipkiss (St Augustine, Canterbury)
? Mr James Tuite (Our Lady of Glastonbury, Bristol)
? Bishop’s Nominee – Deferred
Synod received Reports from the Bishop, Diocesan Secretary, Diocesan Treasurer and other Officers of the Diocese and all the Parishes and Missions in the Diocese.
Synod sent Loyal Greetings to Archbishop Haverland.
The Bishop announced details of the prospective delegates from the DUK for the Provincial Synod in October the USA. Including the Bishop it is hoped that 6 members of the Diocese will be able to attend.
This year the Bishops Award for outstanding Lay service to the Diocese was awarded to Mrs Modupe Ighodaro (St Alban the Martyr, Salford, Greater Manchester) unfortunately she was unable to attend the Synod. The Bishop will make the award to her when he visits the parish in June.
It was agreed that the XXVII Synod of the DUK would be held on Saturday 14 April 2018 at a venue yet to be chosen.
Dr Roy Fidge. (Diocesan Secretary)