On Sunday 5th February 2017 the Diocese of the United Kingdom welcomed Fr Gareth Parry, who was ordained in the Church in Wales and lives in North Wales, into the full communion of the Anglican Catholic Church. Fr Parry was received into the Church, and made his canonical oaths to, Bishop Mead at the beginning of the 11am Sung Mass at St Augustine’s Church, Best Lane, Canterbury, Kent.
A little bit more about The Reverend John Gareth Parry
Fr. Gareth Parry is a native of Pwllheli, North Wales and is an indigenous Welsh speaker. He is a graduate of the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth and worked as a secondary school teacher for ten years at Conwy before training for Holy Orders at Westcott House, Cambridge. He was made deacon in 1996 and priested the following year, serving four years in parochial ministry in the Church in Wales before returning to teaching. He served as school Chaplain for eleven years in the West Midlands and Shropshire before returning to the North Wales coast. He now works as a supply teacher in local secondary schools. His main hobby is railways, particularly mechanical signalling, and for the last seventeen years he has worked as a volunteer signalman on the Severn Valley Railway.