For the second time in as many years the Right Revd Damien Mead, Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the United Kingdom, has been in capacitated through ill health. However, unlike his bout of ill health in 2011 / 2012, which was caused by blood clots in his leg and on his lungs, this present trouble has been caused by a serious accident on Saturday 1st June 2013.

The move of the Canterbury Church Shop from it’s current premises in Orange Street to its new premises in Palace Street was underway when a large double glass door fronted display case (6′ x 4′) fell over seriously injuring the Bishops right foot. His right leg is already weakened by a history of varicose ulcers (and from which his blood clots originated in 2011 / 2012) and complicated by diabetes and warfarin treatment, and this foot injury involved an operation to repair the damage. The bishop is bed bound for 2 weeks and likely on crutches and using a wheelchair for the next few months.

As a result some changes in the bishop’s diary have been made.

On Saturday 22nd June the Bishop was to have celebrated Mass and preach at the St Alban’s Day festival at our Salford Parish. He is unable to fulfil this engagement and the Festival will proceed without him. He was also to be with the Parish the following day to celebrate the Sunday Parish Mass but again he is unable to now do so.

The Bishop will be unable to Chair the Diocesan Council of Advice on Saturday 6th July in London. A decision has yet to be made whether the meeting will be cancelled because it was to accompany a Board of Ministry interview.

On Saturday 13th July the Bishop was to have celebrated Mass and preach at the Patronal Festival of the Mission of St Benedict, South Molton, Devon. Instead, the Archdeacon, The Venerable Raymond Thompson, will now take his place.

Masses in the ProCathedral Parish of St Augustine, Canterbury, will be reduced during June and July to Sunday Services only and will be either Mass, Communion from the Reserved Sacrament or Matins depending upon the availability of clergy.

Dates after July will depend upon the Bishop’s recovery.

Bishop Damien wishes to express his gratitude for the hard work shown by Beatrice Engramer, Roy Hipkiss, Jack Knight, Zsolt Kelemen, Megan and Jonathan in assisting with the shop move. He is especially grateful to Jack whose quick reaction to the accident in supporting the bishop as he collapsed and Roy, whose application of First Aid was especially helpful, and praised by the Ambulance Crew, reduced the damage. He also praised the crew who responded to the call within 10 minutes and the doctors and nurses who treated him.