Dr Roy Fidge writes …
On Friday 16 April, our XIII Annual Synod weekend got off to a good start at the King Charles Hotel, Chatham where about ten of us gathered for the pre-Synod Dinner.
This was a very happy occasion when we all enjoyed good food, good company and good fellowship. Towards the end of the meal, Fr Mead presented Bishop Starks with a gift from the diocese – a new purple biretta (just what the Bishop needed to replace one he lost some time ago ).
This year our Synod was held at A Church in Chatham and hosted by our Rocehster Mission. The church was a beautiful setting for our worship. The Easter flowers and symbols of Easter were still glorious and we are most grateful for the use of this lovely Church.
About forty people attended, which gave us all a wonderful sense of belonging. These are stirring occasions when we feel uplifted by the fellowship of one another. Bishop Starks, our newly appointed Episcopal Visitor, celebrated the Solemn Pontifical High Mass, at which he preached and also licensed Fr Mead as our Vicar General. Fr Raymond Thompson (Rochester) Deaconed the Mass and Fr Charles Johnson (Manchester) Subdeaconed.
Mass was followed by lunch in the Church Hall and a time to chat and get to know people from other Missions as well as meet the Bishop. After lunch we settled down to the business of Synod as we gathered round the table for the official Synod Meeting.