Rochester Baptism

On 6th October 2013 at Our Lady and Saint Francis, Rochester, Fr Raymond Thompson baptised Summer Lily Banwait. Amongst the happy congregation pictured outside after the service with Summer are her parents Dale Banwait and Charlotte Williams, and Godparents Sandra...

Baptism in Rochester

45 people packed into the Church of Our Lady and Saint Francis, Rochester, on 7 November 2010, for the Baptism of Sofia Olivia Farrant. Sofia was baptised by her grandfather, parish priest The Very Revd Raymond Thompson.

Baptism in Medway

On 2nd June 2001 at Our Lady of Walsingham & St Francis, Rochester, Father Damien Mead baptised Chelsea Jayne Mitchell, Melanie Saffron Mitchell, Daniella Michelle Mitchell and supplied the additional ceremonies for Alistair Luke Mitchell who had already been...